Kate McManus

Kate McManus

Cast Credits

Slow Burn: Edward Albee’s One Acts: The American Dream & Zoo Story
July 2024
Lumen Repertory Theatre
San Marco Church
No Exit
No Exit
July 2023
Lumen Repertory Theatre
Swisher Theater
Let Me Down Easy
Let Me Down Easy
Lance Armstrong, Eve Ensler, Kiersta Kurtz-Burke & Peter Gomes
March 2023
The 5 & Dime
The Florida Ballet

Crew Credits

Slow Burn: Edward Albee’s One Acts: The American Dream & Zoo Story
July 2024
Lumen Repertory Theatre
San Marco Church

Reviews featuring Kate McManus

'No Exit' - A Mystery Box You Can't Escape | JaxPlays Reviews

Explore Lumen Repertory Theatre's riveting adaptation of Sartre's hellscape. Stellar performances, immersive design. read more

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